

When to Call an Arborist: Signs Your North Shore Tree Needs Attention

Living in the scenic locales of the North Shore, many homeowners are blessed with lush landscapes filled with mature trees. But trees, like all living things, need care. Whether you’re seeing signs of decay or unsure about the health of your tree, it’s crucial to understand when to seek the expertise of North Shore tree pruning professionals. 

In this blog, we delve into the signs and scenarios where an arborist becomes indispensable.

1. Health Symptoms and Disease

  • Visible Decay or Disease: Trees, like humans, are susceptible to ailments. Discoloured leaves might not just be a seasonal change but a sign of infection. Fungal growths or unusual bark textures can be indications of internal decay. While many trees have a robust immune system, persistent or extensive disease symptoms necessitate a professional’s touch.
  • Pest Infestations: An active pest infestation can rapidly compromise the health of a tree. Signs like holes in the trunk, a trail of sawdust, or even the audible sound of gnawing can indicate invaders. Left unchecked, certain pests can render irreversible damage or even kill the tree.

2. Structural Concerns and Safety Risks

  • Dead or Hanging Branches: Deadwood is a natural process, but when branches die and don’t fall off, they can pose a risk, especially during storms or high winds. These branches can easily fall and cause damage or injuries. Regular pruning can prevent such hazards.
  • Unusual Tree Lean: Trees often grow towards the sun, resulting in a natural lean. However, a sudden or exaggerated lean can suggest root damage or other structural problems. It’s a red flag that merits immediate attention.
  • Roots Showing Signs of Stress: A tree’s stability largely depends on its roots. If roots appear damaged, decayed, or exposed, it may suggest deeper problems, possibly compromising the tree’s overall stability.

3. Growth and Environmental Interactions

  • Growth Restrictions: Trees growing too close to power lines or encroaching upon foundations can pose significant risks. Not only can they interfere with infrastructures, but their growth can also be inhibited by these obstructions, leading to unhealthy trees.
  • Underwhelming Springtime Blossom: Trees follow a growth cycle, and a tree that doesn’t blossom or leaf out as expected may be signalling internal struggles. Such anomalies should be a cause for concern and further investigation.
  • Signs of Stress After a Storm: Trees are nature’s soldiers, often bearing the brunt of severe weather. However, post-storm, if a tree showcases split branches, broken limbs, torn bark, or exposed roots, it’s crucial to assess its health and stability.

If your trees show any of these signs, don’t wait. Prioritise their health and the safety of your surroundings. Reach out to the best tree pruning North Shore experts and ensure your green giants remain healthy and majestic for years to come.

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